티스토리 뷰


flanders art gally

하이안자 2008. 7. 18. 20:51




Flanders Contemporary Art
     Flanders Contomporary Gally







Excavation (from Monet-1869)

Tim Merrett  2006













 Jean Dubuffet, Site avec quatre personnages 


Site avec quatre personnages

Jean Dubuffet  1981













 Luke Hillestad, Pull apart the Double Helix like a Wishbone, Always be Working on a Suicide Note  


Pull apart the Double Helix like a Wishbone, Always be Working on a Suicide Note

Luke Hillestad 2006












 Luke Hillestad, whisper in your ear ‘your next move’ 


whisper in your ear ‘your next move’

Luke Hillestad 2007













flanders art gally  


Flanders Art Gallery








 Nancy Baker, Pokey 



Nancy Baker  2007












 Owen Beckmann, Revelation/Revolution  



Owen Beckmann 2008












 Natasha Zupan, Two Deer 


Two Deer

Natasha Zupan 2007


'dialogue > Gallery' 카테고리의 다른 글

Flomenhaft Gallery, LLC  (0) 2008.07.27
[스크랩] Larry Preston  (0) 2008.07.19
퍼스트갤러리  (0) 2008.07.18
Ben Goossens  (0) 2008.07.16
MIUKI-리얼리티와 감성의 자유  (0) 2008.07.16
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