티스토리 뷰


버드 홉킨스 외...

하이안자 2011. 5. 22. 23:56


Levis Fine Art



 Abe Ajay, Untitled Wall Sculpture #271 

Untitled Wall Sculpture #271

Abe Ajay 1972/sculptures

 (American, 1919-1998)











 Bernece Berkman-Hunter, Schema 


Bernece Berkman-Hunter /paintungs

 (American, 1911-1988)










Red Music

Dorothy Dehner /1950  Mixed Media

(American, 1901-1994)













 Dorothy Dehner, Bone Music 

Bone Music

Dorothy Dehner /1950  Mixed Media

(American, 1901-1994)











 Jeanne Reynal, Martha Graham 

Martha Graham

Jeanne Reynal /1975  Mosaics

(American, 1903-1983)












 Leon Polk Smith, Untitled-Circle Cluster 

Untitled-Circle Cluster

Leon Polk Smith 1972 /Mixed Media

 (American, 1906-1996)













 Budd Hopkins, Andorra 


Budd Hopkins 1965

(American, 1931)













 Budd Hopkins, Tarlac 


Budd Hopkins 1968

(American, 1931)












 Budd Hopkins, Aquarius III 

Aquarius III


Budd Hopkins 1971

(American, 1931)











 Budd Hopkins, Study for Marathon

Study for Marathon

Budd Hopkins 1964

(American, 1931)










 Alice Neel, Central Park in the Afternoon 

Central Park in the Afternoon

Alice Neel 1946

 (American, 1900-1984)



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