티스토리 뷰



Boy with Guitar

Bayeu, Ramón (Spanish, 1746-1793)

Boy with Guitar, 1786, oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid. 73KB




The Artist's Studio- Rue de la Condamine

Bazille, Frédéric (French, 1841-1870)

The Artist's Studio- Rue de la Condamine, 1870, Musée d'Orsay, Paris. 105KB




The Duet

Bega, Cornelis (Dutch, approx. 1632-1664)

The Duet, 1663, oil on canvas, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. 83KB





Representation at the Théâtre des Variétés

Béraud, Jean (French, 1848-1935)

Representation at the Théâtre des Variétés, 1888, oil on canvas, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris





A Moor Presenting a Parrot to a Lady

Berchem, Nicolaes (Dutch, 1620-1683)

A Moor Presenting a Parrot to a Lady, mid 1660s, oil on canvas, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT.






Spanish Musicians

Bernard, Émile (French, 1868-1941)

Spanish Musicians, 1897, oil on canvas, private collection, Paris






The Vision of St. Anthony of Padua

 Carducci, Vincenzo (Italian, 1578-1638)

The Vision of St. Anthony of Padua, 1631, oil on canvas, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg






Concert, before 1595, Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York





Lute Player


Lute Player, before 1595, The Hermitage at St. Petersburg








Rest During the Flight into Egypt


Rest During the Flight into Egypt, Galleria Doria Pamphili, Rome.






A Musical Party

Mary Cassatt(1844-1926)

A Musical Party, 1874, oil on canvas, Musée du Petit Palais at Paris





Girl at the Piano

Paul Cezanne(1839-1906)

Girl at the Piano (Ouverture to Tannhäuser), 1868-69, oil on canvas, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.






The Dancing Lesson

Codde, Pieter (Dutch, 1599-1678)

The Dancing Lesson, 1627, wood, Musée du Louvre, Paris.





The Dancing Party

Codde, Pieter (Dutch, 1599-1678)

Dancing Party, 1630 or 36, oil on panel, private collection, Wassenaar.




The Piano Lesson

 Day, Francis (American, 1863-1925)

The Piano Lesson, 1895, oil on canvas.





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