티스토리 뷰

Galerie Lausberg




 Kuno Gonschoir, Landscape 



Kuno Gonschoir

paintings/Acrylic and gel on canvas

(German, 1935)



















 Kuno Gonschoir, Landscape 



Kuno Gonschoir

paintings/Acrylic and gel on canvas

(German, 1935)



















 Kuno Gonschoir, Landscape 



Kuno Gonschoir

paintings/Acrylic and gel on canvas

(German, 1935)




















 Kuno Gonschoir, Landscape 



Kuno Gonschoir

paintings/Acrylic and gel on canvas

(German, 1935)



















 Kuno Gonschoir, Landscape 


Kuno Gonschoir

paintings/Acrylic and gel on canvas

(German, 1935)



















 Kuno Gonschoir, Landscape 


Kuno Gonschoir

paintings/Acrylic and gel on canvas

(German, 1935)




















 Harding Meyer, o.T. 



Harding Meyer 2008

(Brazilian, 1964)




















 Harding Meyer, o.T. (09) 



Harding Meyer 2007

(Brazilian, 1964)




















 Harding Meyer, o.T. (20) 




Harding Meyer 2009

(Brazilian, 1964)




















 Robert Schaberl, ZF Blue Magenta 


ZF Blue Magenta

Robert Schaberl 2005-2006 / Paintings

 (Austrian, 1961)



















 Robert Schaberl, ZF Turquoise Ultramarin Kobalt 

ZF Turquoise Ultramarin Kobalt

Robert Schaberl 2004 / Paintings

 (Austrian, 1961)






















  JR, Manette Street Soho 


Manette Street Soho

JR 2008 / Site-specific installation

(French, 1984)




















  JR, Entrance stairs of favela "Morro da Providencia", Rio de Janeiro 


Entrance stairs of favela "Morro da Providencia",

Rio de Janeiro

JR 2008 / Site-specific installation

(French, 1984)



















  Faile, Warriors Forgotten 


Warriors Forgotten

Faile 2008




















 David Choe, Yellow Skinned Donkey Girl- Hee Haw part 1 


Yellow Skinned Donkey Girl- Hee Haw part 1

David Choe 2008

(American, 1976)




















 Todd James, Chaos 



Todd James 2008

   (American, 1969)




















 Antony Micallef, Red Siren 


Red Siren

Antony Micallef 2009

 (British, 1975)



















 Jonathan Yeo, Leaf Study White 2 


Leaf Study White 2

Jonathan Yeo 2008

(British, 1970)



















Galerie LC







Le Cri

Bernard Pras 2007 /Photographs

 (French, 1952)




















  Ben, Ou avais je la tête 


Ou avais je la tête

Ben 2008 / Paintings

(French, 1935)





















  Ben, Ceci n’est pas drôle 


Ceci n’est pas drôle

Ben 2008 / Paintings

(French, 1935)




















 Yves Klein, Vénus d'Alexandrie (L'Aphrodite) 


Vénus d'Alexandrie (L'Aphrodite)

Yves Klein 1962

(French, 1928-1962)





















 Jacques Villeglé, Haussman – Malesherbes 


Haussman – Malesherbes

Jacques Villeglé 1988

(French, 1926)




















 Philippe Chancel, Souvenirs de Bruxelles 


Souvenirs de Bruxelles

Philippe Chancel 2008 / Photographs

 (French, 1959)




















 Philippe Chancel, Souvenirs de Londres 


Souvenirs de Londres

Philippe Chancel 2005 / Photographs

  (French, 1959)




















 Philippe Chancel, Pot Jaune 


Pot Jaune

Philippe Chancel 1998 / Photographs

  (French, 1959)



















Le Violon Bleu


 Khaled Hafez, Three Cats and a Bat in Gemmanism 


Three Cats and a Bat in Gemmanism

Khaled Hafez / Acrylic on canvas

 (Egyptian, 1963)




















 Fatma Charfi, Abrouc...Aberics 



Fatma Charfi 2008

(Tunisian, 1955)



















Donna Leatherman llc






 Biff Elrod, Met Steps 


Met Steps

Biff Elrod (American)





















  Nall, Ballet Shoes 

Ballet Shoes

Nall / Mixed Media

 (American, 1948)




















  Nall, Japanese Magnolia-Dust to Dust 

Japanese Magnolia-Dust to Dust

Nall 2008 / Mixed Media

 (American, 1948)





















  Nall, Magenta Orchid 


Magenta Orchid

Nall 2008 / Works on Paper

 (American, 1948)




















  Le Corbusier, The Open Hand 


The Open Hand

Le Corbusier 1963

 (Swiss/French, 1887-1965)




















  Le Corbusier, Modulor 



Le Corbusier 1950

    (Swiss/French, 1887-1965)






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