티스토리 뷰

Left Coast Galleries




 Mark Acetelli, Heaven and Solitude 


Heaven and Solitude

Mark Acetelli





















 Mark Acetelli, Love and Sacrifice 


Love and Sacrifice

Mark Acetelli





















 Tony Griffith, Om #11 


Om #11

Tony Griffith




















 Tony Griffith, Atomic Cove #2 


Atomic Cove #2

Tony Griffith





















 Leon Leigh, Ballerina 



Leon Leigh 

/Sculptures-Steel with Bronze




















 Leon Leigh, Sarah 



Leon Leigh 

/Sculptures-Steel with Bronze




















 Chaz Guest, American Boy 


American Boy

Chaz Guest




















 Chaz Guest, Despair or Hope 


Despair or Hope

Chaz Guest



















 Chaz Guest, Obama 



Despair or Hope

Chaz Guest




















 Doug Smith, 'Parker's Pumpkin Patch 


'Parker's Pumpkin Patch

Doug Smith



















 Doug Smith, Refreshing the Land 


Refreshing the Land

Doug Smith



















 Doug Smith, True Spirit of America 


True Spirit of America

Doug Smith



















 Sandra Jones Campbell, Keep one Hand on Tiller in the Tunnel of Love 


Keep one Hand on Tiller in the Tunnel of Love

Sandra Jones Campbell




















 Sandra Jones Campbell, Search of the New Mona Lisa 


Search of the New Mona Lisa

Sandra Jones Campbell





















 Sandra Jones Campbell, Table Talk 


Table Talk

Sandra Jones Campbell





















 Samvel Hambardzumyan, Poise 



Samvel Hambardzumyan

(Armenian, 1953)

















 Joanne Corno, Horizontal with Red 


Horizontal with Red

Joanne Corno




















 Zivana Gojanovic, Cerulean Leap 


Cerulean Leap

Zivana Gojanovic

























Bobbie Moline-Kramer




















 Bobbie Moline-Kramer, Sadness 



Bobbie Moline-Kramer




















 Michael Gorman, And Then There Were 2 


And Then There Were 2

Michael Gorman

 (American, 1963)




















 Michael Gorman, Red Bridge 


Red Bridge

Michael Gorman

 (American, 1963)























Paul Pitsker























Paul Pitsker






















The Idea

Claire Elan



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